Cannataro’s Italian cafe is recognised to deliver the folks of Chino out for some fine dining and wonderful tasting foods.
The citizens of the Inland Empire know that if they want a house cooked Italian food without acquiring to cook dinner along with fantastic purchaser services they can go to Cannataro’s in Chino.
The 4-star restaurant on Mountain, in the Mt. 60 procuring middle, has been serving good, homemade Italian food for the last 17 decades.
The Italian bistro serves do-it-yourself pizza, spaghetti, baked ziti, lasagna, fettuccine, and Italian wedding day soup.
Proprietor Julie Cannataro wanted to present a way to provide family members alongside one another mainly because in Italy, food implies enjoy.
Julie’s practical experience in Italian dining goes way back again when she grew up doing work at her parents’ Italian cafe, back again in Ohio, where she was capable to study a lot of old family recipes that arrived from Calabria, Italy.
Cannataro’s eating space is now quickly closed because of to the restrictions as described by San Bernardino County pertaining to the Covid-19 virus.
We are now providing outside dining as very well as a To Go choice and we’ll provide your get ideal to your vehicle. You may possibly spot your buy by contacting 909-590-7960 and textual content 909-260-2049 if you would like your get introduced to your parked car on your arrival.
Restaurant Hrs Monday – Thursday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday – Saturday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Cannataro’s is located at 12345 Mountain Ave. Chino, Ca 91710.
Details: 590-7960,